Version 2.6.3

I tried section 9.1.5, and I have tried about 30 variations of something similar to what they have in that section with no luck...

Here is one unsuccessful try...  it must be that I am really missing some main concept of Lilypond?

\layout {
                \name MyChordNames
                \override BarLine #'bar-size = #4
                voltaOnThisStaff = ##t
                \consists Bar_engraver
                \consists "Volta_engraver"
                \consists "Percent_repeat_engraver"
                \alias ChordNames
                \accepts "MyChordNames"


\chordmode{ \repeat volta 2  {
\partial 8 s8 | f2:maj f:7 \repeat "percent" 2 {bes1:7}
c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj c:maj
} \alternative {
es e }

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