Michael Porcaro writes:

> I am using wikitex to process this.

You have sucessfully compiled and installed LilyPond, then?

> to me, doesn't really indicate an error with python

The reason I asked about python, is that when building/installing
LilyPond python runs lilypond with generated file names.  I did
not recognize the name

>> I keep getting this error, when installing the latest version of
>> lilypond:
>> Processing `2baaa9906a2a5af12b822767a1c97c36'

you get while installing.

> but something wrong with pango:

You suspect pango.  Have you checked your pango installation?  What
pango version do you have?  Do other pango programs (eg, gedit) work?


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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