Being new to Lilypond I'm impressed about the possibilities of this program.
My first sheet already looks good. However there is one thing that I want to change and I don't know how:
The first staff is very high (probably due to the four stanzas) and as a result I had to reduce the global staff size, such that the piece fits on one page. Is there a way to tell the program to reduce the size of that first staff?
Start of Lilypond file:
\version "2.6.3" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.
#(set-global-staff-size 14)
#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column)
title = "No.1 Trinklied"
subtitle = "Gedicht von G. Eberl"
composer = "F.X.Engelhart,Op.29"
global = {
\key d \major
\time 3/4
\override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-size = #1
% Shortcuts for vertical Rest position mods
poszero = \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0
possix = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #6
posseven = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #7
posten = \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #10
% Shortcuts for vertical Text position mods
TextZero = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #0.0
TextZeroFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #0.5
TextOne = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #1.0
TextOneFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #1.5
TextTwoFive = \once \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.5
% Shortcuts for Markups
UGluck = \markup { \large \center-align { Gluck } }
LGluck = \markup { \large \center-align { gluck } }
sopranone = \context Voice = "refrain"
\relative c' {
a'^>\mf \TextTwoFive fis^\markup { \large Gemäßigt, aber mit frischem Ausdruck } g
a d a
e' cis b
b^> a a \break
a a a
a4.^> fis'8 fis4
g fis e
d2 r4^\markup { \small \italic Fine } \bar "||" \break }
soprantwo = \context Voice = "verse" \relative c' {
d'4\p cis b\<
e4. \!d8\> cis4\!
d cis\< b\!
e4. d8\> cis4\! \break
cis\< d e\!
fis4.^\markup { \small \italic ritenuto } e8\> d4\!
d^>^\markup { \small \italic langsam } cis^> b^>
a2 s4^\markup \small \italic { a tempo } \break
s s a-.^\markup \small \italic { (kurz) }
a-. s s
s s a-.
a-. s a
a s a
a2^\fermata a4^\markup \small \italic { D.C. al Fine }}
altone = \context Voice = "altos"
\relative c'{
fis4 d e fis fis fis g g g g fis fis
g g g fis4. a8 a4 b a g fis2 s4
gis4 a gis
a4. e8 e4
gis a gis
a4. e8 e4
fis fis fis
fis4. fis8 fis4
gis gis e
e2 r4
r r e
e r r
r r fis
fis r fis
g r fis
e2 g4
tenorone = \context Voice = "tenors"
\relative c'{
d4 a a d a d cis e cis d d d
cis d e fis4. d8 d4 d cis cis d2 s4
b e d
cis4. b8 a4
b e d
cis4. b8 a4
ais b cis
d4. cis8 d4
fis e d
cis2 r4
r \posten r \TextOneFive cis^\UGluck
\TextOne cis^\LGluck \possix r \possix r
r \posten r \TextZeroFive d^\LGluck
\TextZeroFive d^\LGluck \posseven r \TextZeroFive d^\LGluck
\TextZero e^\LGluck \posseven r \TextZeroFive d^\LGluck
\TextOne cis2^\LGluck \TextOneFive cis4^\markup { \large \center-align {Drum}}
bassone= \context Voice = "basses"
\relative c {
\context Voice = "gluone" \relative c {
d4_>\mf fis a
d, d d
a a' a
d,_> d d
a' b cis
d4._> d,8 d4
g a a
<<a2 d,2>> \once \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #0 r4
e\p e e\<
a4.\! a8\> a4\!
e e\< e\!
a4. a8\> a4\!
fis\< fis fis\!
b,4. b'8\> b4\!
e,4_> e_> e_>
<< a2 a,>> }
\context Voice = "basstwo" \relative c {
\override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #-2
a' r r
r r a,
a' r r
r r a,
r r a
a'2_\fermata a4 }
gluck = \lyricmode {
Gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck gluck. Drum }
refrain= \lyricmode {
Lie -- serl, schenk ein, schenk ein, lass no a Ma -- ßerl nei, laß uns net dur -- sti sei; Lie -- serl, schenk ein! }
versone= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1."
sHir --scherl dös laft und springt wo dös kloan Ba -- cherl rinnt,
wenn's vol -- ler Liab und Zorn dur -- sti is worn. }
verstwo= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2."
Um und um auf -- m Feld san kloa -- ni Blea -- merl gstellt,
bet -- teln um Him -- mels -- segn, bet -- teln um Reg'n. }
versthr= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3."
Schau, wia der Herr -- gott mit Schaf -- feln sei Was -- ser schütt!
Dur -- sti is Wald und Feld, dur -- sti is d'Welt. }
versfou= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "4."
Sollt's a a Räu -- scherl wer'n, wir habn an gua -- ten Herrn,
der uns scho ab -- sol -- viert wenn's a oans wird. }
Words= <<
\lyricsto refrain \context Lyrics = refr \refrain
\lyricsto verse \context Lyrics = vOne \versone
\lyricsto verse \context Lyrics = vTwo \verstwo
\lyricsto verse \context Lyrics = vThree \versthr
\lyricsto verse \context Lyrics = vFour \versfou
\score {
\transpose d c
\context Score <<
\context StaffGroup <<
\context Staff = women <<
\context Voice =
sopranos {
% \set Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-5.0 . 5.0)
\set Staff.instrument = \markup {
\center-align { "SOPRAN"
\line { "ALT" }}}
\voiceOne << \global { \sopranone \soprantwo } >> }
\context Voice =
altos { \voiceTwo << \global \altone >> }
\context Staff = men <<
\clef bass
\context Voice = tenors {
\set Staff.instrument = \markup {
\center-align { "TENOR"
\line { "BASS" }}}
\voiceOne << \global \tenorone >> }
\context Voice = basses { \voiceTwo << \global \bassone >> }
\lyricsto basstwo \context Lyrics = vGluck \gluck
\layout { }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 96 }
End of Lilypond File
Many thanks in advance for the help.
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