I have downloaded the lilypond 2.6 for Windows and try to generate the pdf for
the sample files sakura-sakura.ly and xiao-haizi-guai-guai.ly. However it fails
and here is the log file:

# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to `C:/Program
Processing `C:/Program
Interpreting music... [7]
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... [3][6][8]
Calculating page breaks...
Layout output to `xiao-haizi-guai-guai.ps'...
warning: don't know how to embed "MS-Gothic"="C:/WINDOWS/fonts/msgothic.ttc"
Converting to `xiao-haizi-guai-guai.pdf'...
`gs -q   -dCompatibilityLevel#1.4  -sPAPERSIZE#"a4" -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 
-sDEVICE#pdfwrite -sOutputFile#"xiao-haizi-guai-guai.pdf" -c .setpdfwrite -f
"xiao-haizi-guai-guai.ps"' failed (1)

It seems that the program will access msgothic.ttc when there is some non-ascii
character. Any idea to fix it? Because in fact I am a chinese user and hope that
the lilypond support the Chinese lyrics.

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