On Friday 04 November 2005 09:54, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> >2.) The other problem concerns the width of the braces at the
> >beginning of the piano staff.
> Do you mean that they are too high or are you talking about the
> horizontal width?
They are too high - sorry for being unclear. The ends of the braces 
now reach above and below the uppermost and lowermost lines of the 
right-hand and left-hand piano staff, respectively, whereas they were 
at the same level before.
I have put two example images on
which were both generated with
\version "2.4.6" (resp. \version "2.6.3")

u = { \change Staff = upper \stemDown }
l = { \change Staff = lower \stemUp }

i = \context Staff {
        \context Voice = "i"
\clef bass \key bes \major \time 2/4
\relative { \u bes,8 \l bes \u bes \l bes }

ii = \context Staff {
        \context Voice = "ii"
\clef bass \key bes \major \time 2/4 s2

\score {
    \context PianoStaff <<
        \context Staff = "upper" << \i >>
        \context Staff = "lower" << \ii >>


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