Graham Percival wrote:

 But are there any other problems that you solve easier with

Yes.  The above produces:
collection.pdf   (includes piece1, with pages numbered 1 and 2)
collection-1.pdf   (includes piece2, with pages numbered 1 and 2 as well)
(assuming piece1 and 2 are both 2 pages)

If you get two PDF output files, then you still have some \book{...} left
in one of the included files! Just remove all of them and you should get
all your pieces in a single PDF with continuous page numbering.


Now, I _could_ manually set piece2 to start on page 3, and I could probably find some command-line tool to stick foo.pdf and foo-1.pdf together as fooall.pdf (I know pstools can do this with ps files)... but I found it easier to use lilypond-book.

The automatic page numbering is a bigger issue than sticking pdfs together. Once I've found the tool (pdftools ?), I can just include those commands in a script and have it done automatically. But if I change the order of pieces in a collection, or add an extra page of text at the beginning or whatever, I'd have to change all the manual page numbers again.

- Graham

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