Raphael Manfredi wrote:
Quoting Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from ml.lilypond.users:
:Raphael Manfredi wrote:
:> And here is a PNG of the lilypond output on my system, in case you
:> cannot reproduce it.
:There was a problem with fontchanges in the middle of text strings,
:which I fixed in 2.7.8.
:However, I recommend you to use another font, which includes the
:accented characters as separate glyphs, eg. ecrm10. With 2.7.8, you will
:still get the sans-serif u` but with correct placement.
Yes, ecmr10 works fine, but it is a sans-serif font and it does not
look as good as cmr10.
no, it's not; what you're seeing is the system default for fonts that
are not found.
Where does lilypond get its font list from, so that I can try others?
the easiest is to put a .ttf .pfb or .pfa in ~/.fonts. If it shows up
on the output of
you can use it in lily.
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen
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