The easiest solution for you is probably to compile the program yourself.
I'll do it myself on Debian Sarge in the coming days and can send detailed
instructions, but it seems that the only thing you need to compile in addition
to lilypond is a newer version of fontforge, which can be downloaded from


Roland Goretzki wrote:

Hello list, hello Erik,

You wrote:

Well, a 2.6.3 .deb is in debian unstable now, so perhaps you can try that.

Thank You,
I tried, but on my sarge 3.1 there are some difficulties with
dependencies, so this is not the way ... :-(

Every download (meanwhile more than five) spends over 80 minutes,
because I've only a 56k modem, so I would like to get a REAL solution
soon ...  ;-)

Best Regards           Roland

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        Signal Processing
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