Hello friends,
I have installed jEdit with Lilypond Tools in Windows ME. Besides that, I have installed the native version for Windows (not Cygwin) of Lilypond 2.6.3. How can I run Lilypond from its menu in jEdit? Is it possible I tried configuring the plugin giving the right path for lilypond.exe, but didn't work. It gave me this message:
This is a console shell for running LilyPond and related commands.
"You can use %buffer to substitute the current buffer's path.
LilyPond ready.
lilypond /cygdrive/C/musark/ode.ly
C:\Arquivos de programas\LilyPond\usr\bin\lilypond.exe: unrecognized option: `--login'
LilyPond ready."
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