Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> In the last weeks, there has been talk on repeating ties in second
> endings of repeats automatically. This is a sponsorship under the "Small
> feature"  regime, so I would like to put it up for 130 EUR (incl VAT for
> EU).  Peter Mogensen already agreed to put forth 65 EUR of this amount,
> so we're still short of another 65.
> Is anyone else interested in sponsoring the other 65 EUR?
> (If it's easy to do, I'll try to squeeze in repeated slurs as well)

Just a small post to serve two purposes:

1) To say that I just had the need for handling ties _out_ of repeats.
That is... when the 1st ending ends with a tie to the very first note in
the repeat-block. And to ask Han-Wen if that use case would be
considered a part of the tie/volta problem?

2) To draw some more attention to the cause so we can get it
implemented. There must be more people out there who struggles with ties
in and out of repeat structures :)


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