Mats Bengtsson a écrit :

Very strange, I haven't seen that problem reported earlier.
Lyrics certainly work well for me in WinXP.

Exactly which version of LilyPond did you install?


Maxime Brugidou wrote:

i installed lilypond with cygwin on my winXP and are now able to use lilypond
i can do really good sheets but i can't add text
i think there is a problem of font : the text is printed with some dynamic letters (such as f or m or p)
so some letters are not printed ...
i even tried to generate a pdf with examples of .ly files on the website tutorial, but the pb is the same ...
(i know i should use debian, but for the moment i'm with windows)
what should i do ?
(i hope this is the good mailing list for this kind of pb)

lilypond-user mailing list

sorry Mats Bengtsson it was my first post

my version is 2.6.4 i send an example from the website

this is a schubert part, (the problem is the same even if there is no german letters)
i tried to reinstall the lilypond package , but it still doesn't work

lilypond-user mailing list

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