
the manual shows me sth. like this:

\repeat unfold 4 {
        s2. \noBreak s2. \noBreak
        s2. \noBreak s2. \noBreak       
        s2. \noBreak s2. \break }

This is ok, but I do not want to use polyphony (beams, rest postition...), so 
how can I combine the skips with other notes?

I have the following lilypond file:

\version "2.7.9"
\paper {linewidth = 180 \mm}
\header {
        title = "test"
        poet = "test" }

linebreak = \repeat unfold 4 {
        s2. \noBreak s2. \noBreak
        s2. \noBreak s2. \noBreak       
        s2. \noBreak s2. \break }

melody = \relative c' {         
        \clef treble
        \key f \major
        \time 3/4       
        c2. d e f g a b c }   
text = \lyricmode {       
        Aaa2. Bee Cee Dee e  
harmonies = \chordmode {
        f2. c/e d:m c4 g:7m/d c bes2.:maj
\score {         
        \context ChordNames { \harmonies  }
        \context Voice = one {
           \melody }    
        \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \text       
    \layout { }     

Here I have a a big gap in the score. If I use \linebreak in the \score part, 
I get an additional staff. So how could I solve the problem?

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