How about the following example:

movementOne = {c d e f}
movementTwo = {g f e d}
movementThree = {c e g c,}

   \mark "Movement 1" \movementOne
   \mark "Adagio" \movementTwo
   \mark "Finale"  \movementThree


Alexandre Reche e Silva wrote:

Peace & Health in Jesus Christ

Hi all. I am searching for a way to force continuous
movements, e.g., without line breaks between them.

I have a 3 movements work (i mean 3 long "sections"
separated with double bar lines only) and it must be
played continuously to the end.

If I use the stuff documented in "7.5.7 Multiple
movements" (for 2.4.5 version) I got the  unneeded
line breaks.

I also thought to edit the rehearsal marks, and
instead of A, B, H... I would have the names of the
movements (or long sections, whatever)... but is
beyond my lily skills.

^"a r s"


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