I would really recommend you to upgrade to the latest stable version, 2.6.4.
Unfortunately, it's not included in the Debian archive, but you can use
the installation package at www.lilypond.org which should work on
almost any Linux.

If you want to stick to 2.4.5, it looks to me as if you have some
installation problems with the ec-fonts-mftraced <http://packages.debian.org/testing/tex/ec-fonts-mftraced> package.
Maybe the simple solution is to run the command 'texhash' as
root to make sure that the TeX file name database is updated.

If that doesn't help, you could try the latest version of that
package from http://lilypond.org/download/fonts/.


Hans wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm running Debian testing, doing weekly updates. I think I miss a text font or the font used by Lilypond 2.4.5 can't be found because my Lilypond output looks really bad. Example here: http://hit.tweakdsl.nl/blues_up_the_neck.pdf. Anybody with the same problem, or better, the solution? I can't find it.



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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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