How about the following, for an alternative?
{ b4 \melisma a g a \melismaEnd | b b b r \melisma | a a a r | b d d r
\melismaEnd }
\addlyrics { _ lit -- tle lamb }
Erik Sandberg wrote:
On Tuesday 11 October 2005 01.39, Ian Hawthorn wrote:
Suggested feature: Commands (e.g.) `\LOn' and `\LOff' to turn on and off
the synchronisation of lyrics and avoid overuse of `_'. For example
{ \LOff b4 a g a | \LOn b b b r | \LOff a a a r | b d d r }
addlyrics { lit -- tle lamb }
To give the same result as
{ b4 a g a | b b b r | a a a r | b d d r }
addlyrics{ _ _ _ _ | li -- tle lamb | _ _ _ | _ _ _ }
Sometimes I feel like I am drowning in _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ and
it is so easy to lose count or forget to take account of a tie and end
up with the words out of synch.
You can use two different voices for the notes, and then use \lyricsto to
assign lyrics only to one of the voices:
\new Staff <<
\context Voice="song" {s1 | b4 b b r | s1 | s1 | }
\context Voice="instr" {b4 a g a | s1 | a4 a a r | b d d r }
\lyricsto "song" { li -- tle lamb }
Notice that the "song" voice here is kept alive with skip notes all the time.
In principle, I think it also should be possible to do it like this:
{ \context Voice="instr" {b4 a g a} | \context Voice="song" {b b b r} |
\context Voice="instr" {a a a r | b d d r} }
However, I think there are bugs that prevent this, so I don't recommend it.
Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
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