I'm afraid it's impossible to tie notes between
voices.  From your example I think you want something
like this:

<e, b' d>8.-> 
 {\voiceOne <e a c>16~ c'4~ c4.} 
 \new Voice
 {\voiceTwo \stemUp <e, a>4*1/4~ 
 \stemDown <e a>8 <e a>8~ <e a>8. <e a>16 r8} 
d32( c32 bf32 a32 | bf2->)~

I've made the <e, a> in voice Two a crochet to avoid
hiding the flag.  I think the r8 is probably part of
voice Two to match the dotted crochet in the top
voice.  Taking it out shouldn't change anything

Edward Neeman

Alex Melhuish wrote:

I hope you can help me. I'm trying to typeset a piano
score - Gershwin
actually :).

I've come across a bar where the first chord slurs
into the next,
which LilyPond handles fine. This second chord then
ties to another
identical chord. However, the top note of this chord
breaks off into a
second voice (where the bottom notes of the chord are
quavers (eighth
notes), this note is a crotchet (quarter note)).
No matter what I try, I cannot get LilyPond to tie
from the first
chord to the second, which is actually broken across
two voices. How
should I be doing this?
Here's the code in question:
<e, b' d>8.-> <e~ a~ c~>16 << {c'4~ c4.} \\ {<e, a>8
<e a>8~ <e a>8.
<e a>16} >> r8 d32( c32 bf32 a32 | bf2->)~

As you can see, I've added ties to each note in the
chord. Previously,
I've tried tying the whole chord (<a a c>16~...); this
also didn't
work. The other problem I have with this is that
LilyPond insists on
adding an additional 'r8' after the polyphony. I have
no idea how it's
adding together note values for these two bars!

Please help me,
Alex Melhuish

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