liang seng wrote:
To whom it may concern,
Hi, I seem to have some problems with Lilypond. For your reference,
I've attached the lilypond file and the pdf file with this e-mail.
The first problem is the position of the dynamic mark "p". As the p is
for the upper voice, how do I move it to the position above the notes?
Are you sure that you want this? Mostly, the dynamics are printed below
the stave
anyway to avoid the risk that the musician thinks it belongs to the
score line above.
Anyway, if you want dynamics above the stave, just add
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'direction = #up
in that voice.
> Secondly, in the lower voice, how do I move the whole-note rest to
the centre of the bar? I think the reason the rest is originally on the
left hand side of the bar is because of it is a whole-note, the note
would be at the left side of the bar.
Read Section "6.1.6 Rests" in the manual and follow the link to
"8.2.1 Multi measure rests". Even if you use version 2.6, you may want
to look at the manual for version 2.7 in this specific case, since the text
has been clarified a bit.
> Is it possible for you to edit the lilypond file to demonstrate this?
I tried finding the answers in the tutorial and documents, but as they
were too large I sort of gave up.
Here's a modified version of your file.
\version "2.6.3"
\relative c' {
\clef treble
\key f \major
\time 3/4
<< { \override DynamicLineSpanner #'direction = #up r2 g''8\p( c) }
{ R2.} >>
<b g>8 <c a> <d b!> <g, b>
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