Sven Axelsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 02/10/05, Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For the curious, I've put a many score book with vertical space
>> annotations there:
> This is great! The scores for LWV 5 and LWV 8 are excellent for those who,
> like me, are interested to see how you can put together a big score with
> Lilypond. A quick question, is there any particular reason why you don't use
> a ChoirStaff to the parts with interwoven lyrics? I think is is a bit hard
> to read when the bar lines go through the text.

There's a trick which consists of adding Bar_engraver to the Lyrics
context so that lyrics do not cross bar lines, but I can't make that
work. I'll see about ChoirStaff, in fact I didn't think about it.

> There wouldn't be any chance that you are redoing the Giulio Cesare score in
> "pure" Lilypond, i.e. without using TeX?

I've done that last month, see
But I've not sent it to mutopia yet, I would like to tweak the vertical
spacement first!


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