Hello users,
I bet this is a simple one. How do I read the value of an object property
for use in a markup string? For example, how do I get the value of
'currentBarNumber' and use in place of 'x' in the following code?
===== ex 1 ==========
\version "2.6.3"
\score {
\relative c'{
\mark \markup {"<" x ">"}
\layout{ raggedright = ##t }
Obviously, I am trying to tweak how bar numbers are generated. I am
interested, in general, in the syntax for using an object property/value in
a markup string. I am not simply looking for ways to format bar numbers
(e.g. <>, boxes, circles). I have the regular BarNumber and RehearsalMark
stuff working, and the following snippit works as it should.
===== ex 2 ===========
\set Score.markFormatter = #(lambda (mark context)
(number->string (ly:context-property context
\mark \default
I can not, however, figure out how to translate the use of
'currentBarNumber' in ex. 2 for use in ex. 1.
Lily is great!
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