Sven Axelsson wrote:
\score { \relative c'' { \repeat volta 2 { a b c d } \alternative { { d' c b a } { e c d b } } } \layout { \context { \Score \override VoltaBracket #'Y-offset-callbacks = #(list Staff_symbol_referencer::callback) \override VoltaBracket #'staff-position = #8 } } } \markup { Now brackets are aligned and the music is inside the bracket. } %%%%%%%% Shouldn't this behaviour be the default?
No! If you for example replace the d' in the first ending with a g', then you will get a completely unacceptable output. I know your opinion that you will manually spot it and correct it, but it should certainly not be the default. The default behaviour should be that if there is a high note in any of the prima volta or secunda volta, then both should be raised so that the notes fit below the brackets but both brackets are still aligned. However, it seems that this would require some major modifications to the internals of LilyPond, which is why we have the current situation. /Mats _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list