I hope you tried the Ghostscript RPM and other RPMs available at
http://lilypond.org/web/install/. I don't use Fedora myself, but
apparently it works well for several other people, to judge from
the mailing list.


Hermansdorfer, Mark wrote:

I think LilyPond is a great application and look forward to learning more about it as I use it. I recently installed Fedore Core 4. I downloaded LilyPond version 2.6.3, i386 RPM and tried to install it. There was a problem. The version of Ghostscript that is supplied with Fedora Core 4 is 7.07. LilyPond 2.6.3 requires 8.15 and above. So I found an 8.15 Ghostscript RPM, downloaded it and tried to install it. Ghostscript 8.15 requires libcrypto.4.so and libssl.4.so. The Fedora Core 4 release comes with new versions, libcrypto.5.so and libssl.5.so. Is there any way to reconcile these differences? There are many Fedora Core 4 files that rely on the later versions of libcrypto and libssl so it is not practical for me to revert back to the early version of these files.

Thank you,



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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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        Royal Institute of Technology
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