I managed to do it using the \partial command in the following way:

\version "2.7.6"

 \relative c'' {
   \repeat volta 2 {
     \time 6/8
     \partial 8
     c4. c4. |
   \alternative {
     { \partial 8*5 c4. c4  }
     { c4. c4 }
   \bar "||"
   \partial 8 c8 |


D Josiah Boothby wrote:
Using the autopackage 2.7.6, in a Debian environment.

I'm trying to create alternative repeats that start and end inside of measures, such as:

\version "2.7.6"

 \relative c'' {
   \repeat volta 2 {
     \time 6/8
     \partial 8
     c4. c4.
   \alternative {
     { c4. c4 }
     { c4. c4 }
   \bar "||"

Unfortunately, as mentioned in the bugs section at the bottom of the documentation page, "Timing information is not remembered at the start of an alternative, so after a repeat timing information must be reset by hand, for example by setting |Score.measurePosition| or entering |\partial|. Similarly, slurs or ties are also not repeated."

When trying to set Score.measurePosition, I tried with a syntax like this:

\set Score.measurePosition = #0

but received an error message: "type check for `measurePosition' failed; value `0' must be of type `moment'[5]"

Looking through the lilypond-internals page, I was not able to figure out how to set the Score.measurePosition.

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