see in the regression tests.

here's a *very* dirty trick I use for desperate cases, but which works for me :)

(see attached png)


\version "2.7.6"

  raggedright = ##t

\relative c''
  r2 r4 g8
    \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1.2
    \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-2.2 . -5.1)
      bes8^\markup \bold {"(" \hspace #1.8 ")"}

  c4 b a g

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EOF

the given examples use perentheses, but you could use brackets too.

On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 19:03:05 +0200, Wolfgang Mechsner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Note head in brackets - I do not find a solution in the documentation.

Thanks for a hint!


Attachment: parentheses.png
Description: PNG image

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