
In this segment in the third bar  there should be  natural signs both
above and below the reverse turn. How do I typeset that?

------- code ---------------

                upper = \relative c' {
                        \clef treble
                         \key ees \major
                           \time 2/4
        % measure 1       
 <g' ees>4 <f bes,>4 |
        % measure 2
 <ees g>4. ees16._([ aes32 ] ) |
        % measure 3
 g8[ (g16. des'32)] ) c8[ c16. d32\reverseturn] |

 <ees, ees'>8.  }

------ end code

thanks for your help


David Fedoruk
B.Mus. UBC,1986
Certificate in Internet Systems Administration, UBC, 2003

"Music is enough for one's life time, but one life time is not enough
for music" Sergei Rachmaninov

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