Peter Tregilgas writes:

> Please help with installation.
> I follow those instructions – a blank system32 is behind this note, the Note
> appears, I click that and the PDF appears.  I have Acrobat installed and the
> Distiller appears that a post script error “no pdf file produced”

> I looked at the web site again but I don’t get it??? Please help

You probably did the right thing.  We can only help or find out if you
send us some more debugging information: the output of a verbose
lilypond run.  What operating system do you use?

If you don't know how to generate that output, this may work.

Open a DOS box, and type*)

    cd "\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin"
    lilypond --verbose "/Program 
Files/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/2.6.3/ly/" > lily.log

and send us the file lily.log.  Hopefully this works.  If you also
have cygwin installed or know how to produce a verbose log file,
please do so.


*) If LilyPond does not live in c:/Program Files/LilyPond, use the
   actual folder name.

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter       |

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