Am 2005-08-21 um 14:26 schrieb Brett Duncan:
Did you try LilyPad? It has a better editor than "LilyPond GUI" itself, even if it still lacks a lot, including this and a lot of other preferences. (But JEdit, whose LilyPond mode is more mighty, is just too slow and buggy on MacOS X).

I haven't been able to look at this yet - LilyPad requires Tiger, and I've still been running Panther - once I've upgraded (a job hopefully I will get to some time this week - though I said that last week) I'll be able to check out LilyPad. However, I've found jEdit and LilyTool to work quite well, and I haven't noticed it to be particularly slow or buggy.

jEdit crashes every second time I drag'n'drop some file on it.
Regarding slow: Perhaps my G4/400 is too slow...

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm

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