On 15 Aug 2005, at 01:09, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

You have a setup, different from the one I am used to. On the Bison list, people are recommended trying out the latest beta, so one gets to know that it works.

Beta, or pre-alpha? 2.7 is currently in pre-alpha stage; expect it to be quite unstable. Problems reports are appreciated, but I don't recommend trying
to use 2.7 for daily use.

actually, my intention is that 2.7 releases (but not CVS) should be quite usable. It might be that bug appear and disappear between versions, but that is only natural for software in development. I don't release a new 2.7 if I can't build the website. In general 2.7 also works for input/les-nereides.ly and input/typography- demo.ly , as these have become my standard tests.

The bug in question went away in 2.7.4-1 for Mac OS X.

  Hans Aberg

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