The solution you refer to is mostly relevant, even though you should
use the TrillSpanner object and the glyph names have changed from
xxx_yyy to xxx.yyy (which convert-ly should update correctly). The
following is the example of running trills from the manual, modified
to provide the two layouts you ask for. (It's possible to tweak this
example to get even nicer layout.)
\version "2.6.0"
\relative c''
\new Voice {
\override TrillSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:center-align
(#:musicglyph "scripts.trill" #:sharp)) "")
<< { c1 \startTrillSpan }
{ s2. \grace { d16[\stopTrillSpan e] } } >>
\override TrillSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons (markup #:line
(#:musicglyph "scripts.trill" #:small #:sharp)) "")
<< { c1 \startTrillSpan }
{ s2. \grace { d16[\stopTrillSpan e] } } >>
c4 }
However, the first measure illustrates a bug/limitation, namely that
the trill line is typeset centered on the edge-text and I cannot
find any way to move it down so it is aligned with the "tr" symbol.
Will Oram wrote:
There are two kinds of signed trills: ones with tiny accidentals on the
side and those with ones on top. (At least, those are the trills I work
with...contemporary trill fun is discounted.) It's a tedious process to
find good parameter values to properly position and size these
accidentals. Furthermore, because I have to treat 'tr' as a glyph
instead of \trill, markup padding is applied. This leaves you with a
trill sign sitting higher up than the signs around it.
Anyone have good code to achieve both these? The last time this question
was posed was one year ago (and by someone else), and a lot has changed,
so I'm bringing it up again. See . last, a job interview; Han-Wen and Jan might get donation funds
from me yet! ;)
Will Oram // Genius @ Large // AIM spamguy21
spamguy (at) foxchange (dot) com // wro1 (at) cwru (dot) edu
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