On 29-Jul-05, at 3:13 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

what happens if you do

  lilypond -V <mumble>

Lily will print which font directories are added to the search path. Do they exist?

Curious; this looks good.

spark:~/tmp gperciva$ lilypond -V
GNU LilyPond 2.7.4


Effective prefix: "/Users/gperciva/usr/pkg/lilypond/share/lilypond/2.7.4"
Initializing FontConfig...
adding font directory: /Users/gperciva/usr/pkg/lilypond/share/lilypond/2.7.4/fonts/otf/ adding font directory: /Users/gperciva/usr/pkg/lilypond/share/lilypond/2.7.4/fonts/type1/ adding font directory: /Users/gperciva/usr/pkg/lilypond/share/lilypond/2.7.4/fonts/svg/Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...

Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.

If you're running from the development directory directly (without doing make install), you need to set LILYPONDPREFIX to that directory.

I installed it in ~/usr/pkg, with symlinks in ~/usr/bin. I haven't set LILYPONDPREFIX -- I
just tried it, and I got the same result.

I just double-checked that it produces an ugly \f without the ~/.fonts, and yes, it's still
using the bad font.

In case it matters, here's some fink version numbers:

spark:~/tmp gperciva$ fink list fontconfig
Information about 4690 packages read in 4 seconds.
i fontconfig-path 20050128-1 Add custom directories to fontconfig search
 p   fontconfig1                          [virtual package]
 p   fontconfig1-dev                      [virtual package]
 p   fontconfig1-shlibs                   [virtual package]
 i   fontconfig2-dev      2.2.3-10        Fontconfig 2 for Gimp
 i   fontconfig2-shlibs   2.2.3-10        Fontconfig 2, shared libs

spark:~/tmp gperciva$ fink list pango
Information about 4691 packages read in 2 seconds.
p pango1 1.2.1-25 I18N text handling system convinience package p pango1-dev 1.8.1-1 I18N text handling system convenience package p pango1-shlibs 1.8.1-1 I18N text handling system convenience package i pango1-xft2 1.8.1-3 GTK+ - i18n libs (for XFree86 >= 4.3) i pango1-xft2-dev 1.8.1-3 GTK+ - i18n text development headers and libraries (fo... i pango1-xft2-ft219 1.8.1-4 GTK+ - i18n libs (for freetype >= 2.1.9) i pango1-xft2-ft21... 1.8.1-4 GTK+ - i18n text development headers and libraries (fo... i pango1-xft2-ft21... 1.8.1-4 GTK+ - i18n text shared libraries (for freetype >= 2.1.9) pango1-xft2-ftdev 1.6.0-2 GTK+ - i18n text libraries: for XFree86 (>= 4.3) i pango1-xft2-shlibs 1.8.1-3 GTK+ - i18n text shared libraries (for XFree86 >= 4.3)

- Graham

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