Apparently there's a still a strong relationship to Bash here. This thing certainly isn't Windows friendly.

Trent J wrote:

Yes I had the same problems with native lilypond but there are some work arounds.

Setting path to lilypond.exe doesn't work as there are some problems later with missing files that are there.

The way I use jEdit with Lilypond is to load the file into jEdit. I press the make lilypond file icon. It has a fit because it can't find bash (even if you have the native mode clicked). This leaves the console window open from wich you can type:

"C:\Lilypond\usr\bin\Lillypond" "C:\Scores\"

You need the quote marks the first is a direct path to where your lilypond.exe is installed and the next quoted item is the direct path of the file name. You don't have to retype this everytime you wish to make the pdf just use the arrow up and it will remember your list command (similar to dos)


From: Art Hixson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Windows command prompt and lilypond 2.6 native windows
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 23:40:01 -0700

Typing lilypond at the Windows command prompt produces no result. Whereas, from the Cygwin console I get the default sample .ly file. I can compile a .ly file from Cygwin but not from the Windows prompt. Why?

It seems the only way I can send a .ly file to the Windows install is by dragging the file icon to the Lilypond icon on the desktop. That's really painfully awkward!

I really like jEdit, because it's cultivated for Lilypond and Python, but I have to have Bash there just to run it anyway. It can be pointed to the Windows install, of course. But I was much happier with the overall way things worked when Lilypond was installed in Cygwin. I'd love to have Linux up on this machine, but don't have that option.

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