> On 12 Mar 2025, at 05:27, Lawrence Probes <docpro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to study a template for a simple pop song lead sheet with multiple 
> lines of melody, chords and lyrics.

I use this kind of thing:

%%% [20230112.mp] rev 2
\version "2.24"

\include "lilyjazz.ily"
\include "jazzchords.ily"
\include "jazzextras.ily"

%% some identifying stuff
title    = #"TITLE"
notes    = #"Medium Swing"
composer = #""
source   = #""

trans-to = c  % adjust to d for tenor sax

%% -----
%% music follows...
secA = {
  \repeat volta 2 {

  \alternative {
    { }
    { }

text = \lyricmode {
  %% pre
    { %% verse 1
    \new Lyrics { %% verse 2
  %% B part


secB = { % scales

%% -----
%% now put it all together
melody = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  \key g \minor
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Med. Swing" 4 = 120


%% -----
%% in the harmony section "s" means "silent with no symbol"
harmony = \new ChordNames \with {
  \override ChordName.font-size = #0
} \chordmode {


%% -----
name-tune = \score {
  \transpose c \trans-to {
      \new ChordNames \harmony
      \new Voice = "mel" { \melody }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \text


name-hdr =   \header {
  title    = #title
  composer = #composer
  subtitle = \markup { \fontsize #-2 { #source }}
  poet     = \markup { \fontsize #-2 { #notes }}

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