Thanks Kieren, I needed this


> El 18 febr. 2024, a les 13:50, Kieren MacMillan <> 
> va escriure:
> Hi Robert,
>> adding smalls notes or different rhythms for different lyrics. Just add a 
>> second voice and change the note’s sizes? Or is it there a proper way to do 
>> so?
> Looks like nobody answered this, so let me give you one solution (which is 
> exactly what you suggested in your question):
> \version "2.25.11"
> \layout {
>  line-width = 4\in
>  indent = 0
>  ragged-right = ##f
> }
> theNotes = {
>  f'4 4 4 g'
>  r4 \voices 1,2 <<
>    \context Voice = "main" { \voiceOne a'-> r4^\> g'8 \noBeam 8\! }
>    \\
>    \new Voice = "extra" { \magnifyMusic 0.75 { \voiceTwo \tweak 
> NoteColumn.force-hshift #1.5 a'4 g' ~ \hideNotes g' } }
> }
> theLyrics = \lyricmode {
>  \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 8 }
>  nicht hast ge
> }
> extraLyrics = \lyricmode {
>  \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
>  \override LyricText.X-offset = #-1
>  al -- drig __
> }
> <<
>  \new Staff \new Voice = "main" \theNotes
>  \addlyrics \theLyrics
>  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "extra" \extraLyrics
> I don’t know of a more “proper” way to do this — maybe someone else will 
> contribute a better (or at least another) answer.
> Hope that helps!
> Kieren.
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