When I need to write a temporary polyphonic passage my code looks similar to this:
%%% \version "2.25.23" incipit = {c4 4 4 4} conclusion = {c4 4 4 4} voiceA = {c4 d e f} voiceB = {b4 a g f} \fixed c' \new Staff { \incipit %monodic << \new Voice {\voiceOne \voiceB} \new Voice {\voiceTwo \voiceA} >> \conclusion } %%% I just discovered that the lilypond online help propose something different: << { \voiceOne … } \new Voice { \voiceTwo … } >> \oneVoice or, using my previous example: %%% \version "2.25.23" incipit = {c4 4 4 4} conclusion = {c4 4 4 4} voiceA = {c4 d e f} voiceB = {b4 a g f} \fixed c' \new Staff { \incipit << {\voiceOne \voiceB} \new Voice {\voiceTwo \voiceA} >> \conclusion } %%% The output is exactly the same but I'm wondering if there are substantial differences I should be aware of. Thanks, g.