Someone using LilyPond 2.22 emailed me to say that the repeat start barline was not showing. I only have 2.20 and 2.24 but I see the change:
With this code: 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>< \version "2.20" %\version "2.24" { c1 \bar ".|:-|" c1 } 8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8><8>< The barline fails to appear. I don't see anything in the Changes page for 2.22 to 2.24 to account for this, so I'm curious, not least because I was using 2.20 for quite a while (I imagine) and never came across the bug. just curious, Richard Shann