Hi List, my (deep sigh) client really likes adding a lot of text annotations to parts of his pieces. In the present case, he wants to add a footnote to a section title to explain the movie reference the title makes. Since my section titles are done using \mark objects, I'm trying to figure out how to add footnotes to them.
Here's an MWE: ---------------------------- \version "2.25.24" global= { \time 4/8 \mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #16 \bold "SECTION TITLE" } } oDAMusic = \relative c'' { \key f \minor R2*12 | %13 r4 bes } \score { \new Staff = "Staff_oboeDA" << \global \oDAMusic >>} -------------------------------------- What I want is for SECTION TITLE to have a footnote attached to it, with an auto-footnote placing a text string at the bottom of the page. But the syntax given at https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.25/Documentation/notation/footnotes-in-stand_002dalone-text doesn't seem to work. Is there actually a way to do this? Thanks for the help, N. Andrew Walsh er/ihn/ihm/sein | he/him/his Berlin (neue Adresse | new address: n.andrew.wa...@proton.me)