On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 at 10:26, Stanton Sanderson <stans...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Laura,
> As I understand it, fluidsynth requires a sound font (easy to find), and
> qsynth provides an easy way to use it. I’m using Frescobaldi, and preview
> files from the midi window. Garage Band will play MIDI and convert it to a
> sharable file. I installed Fluidsynth from MacPorts long ago- haven’t paid
> much attention to why it works…
> If Qsynth is running when I open Frescobaldi, it just works. Otherwise I
> have to go to the preferences and hit the refresh audio button.
> VLC also plays midi files (on my machine(s) at least -Early 2014 MB-air,
> newer desktop (don’t recall the model) & a 2024 MacBook Air running Sonoma).
> Sorry I can’t be more specific! -
> -Stan
> > On Feb 18, 2025, at 8:49 AM, Laura Conrad <lcon...@laymusic.org> wrote:
> >
> >    Stan> For what it's worth, I am a Mac user- for many years I have
> been using
> >    Stan> qsynth as a front end for fluidsynth, with sound fonts from
> various
> >    Stan> sources. I’d hate to be without it!
> >
> > So if I tell my mac user to install fluidsynth, would his browser start
> > using it and play the MIDI files?  And is installing fluidsynth easy
> > enough that he could do it?
It looks like MidiPipe is still available. I used it all the time when I
had a Mac. I would create a SMF player on one side and a DLS Synth on the
other (among many other things).



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