Hi Steve! This is refreshing news indeed!

Upon reading your email, I downloaded the files. I still haven't looked at the scores, but have a few suggestions that have to do with the portuguese...

On the front page, prelude 1 is an homage to the Brazilian "sertanejo" ("t" instead of "i"), and it's a "Melodia Lírica" (last word, first "i" is stressed, no "o" at the end).

Prelude 2 is an homage to the "Malandro Carioca" (not "melandro")

There's something missing in the dedication of the 5th prelude... "Aos rapazinhos e mocinhas fresquinhos que frequentam os concertos ("nos"?) teatros no Rio". I haven't been able to find a full reference not written in English, so I'm not sure about the specifics here.

Lastly, the dedication at the beginning of each prelude is "À Mindinha".

Thank you for your contribution. Cheers,

Diosnel Herrnsdorf

On 14/2/25 15:13, st...@linuxsuite.org wrote:

     I studied these works in the 1980's, and have since largely forgot
about them. Well imagine my delight when I
discovered their copyright expiration! French publisher Max Eschig has
largely ignored this work since first published
in the 1950's. Though a reissue in 2006 fixed the wrong notes, many of the
issues of modern engraving practice remain.

     Heitor Villa-Lobos has been out of copyright in Canada for several
years, but copyright remains in USA, EU etc...

     In order to fix a problem that has existed for at least 70 years, it
has become apparent that a complete
  re engraving is necessary. Necessary but insufficient. A new engraving of
the work will not guarantee an error
  free result. What is needed is a release of source files under a license
that is Free enough to allow for modification. Something like Creative
Commons 4.0?

     I started the project of re engraving the guitar works of Villa-Lobos
in November 2024, and have just completed the Cinq Preludes. They are
posted, along with lilypond source at


     It is truly amazing the improvements that are possible with good
tools, and a modern disposition.

     I have 2 movements of the 5 piece Suite Bresilienne finished, then on
the Choro No 1, and the 12 Etudes.

     Of course anyone with sufficient skill, ambition, etc is welcome to help!

      How about the 12 Etudes?



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