>>>>> "bobroff@centrum" == bobroff@centrum is <bobr...@centrum.is> writes:
bobroff@centrum> PDF which consists of 16 small scores in A4 bobroff@centrum> landscape. I want to print them in a signature bobroff@centrum> booklet, 2up (top/bottom) on two sheets of A3 paper, bobroff@centrum> duplex, of course. After some experimentation I found bobroff@centrum> a sequence of PDF manipulation commands which bobroff@centrum> appeared to do exactly what I wanted. I wrapped them bobroff@centrum> up in a bash script (cygwin). The script is as bobroff@centrum> follows: I think you're shrinking the pages twice, then your pdf viewer expands to fit. I use pdfjam --paper a4paper --nup 1x2 input.pdf pdfjam --landscape --paper a3paper --booklet true input-pdfjam.pdf The first pdfjam rotates and shrinks so you end up with two pages per a4 page; the second makes them into a booklet without Peter C