On Thu, 2025-01-30 at 15:58 +0000, bobr...@centrum.is wrote:
> Greetings from Iceland,
> A friend of mine here has been working on publishing the
> Þorlákstíðir* for some years now.  He has rendered the chant notation
> using the Meinrad font within LibreOffice Writer.  He would like to
> add a page of Gregorian notation with a parallel rendering in modern
> notation.  I suggested the possibility of using LilyPond to do both. 
> He then pointed out that the practice with text underlay in chant
> notation was to have the vowel rather than simply the initial letter
> of the syllable -- when a consonant -- beneath the first neume of the
> melisma.  I have looked at a few images of chant notation and this
> appear to be the case.
> In looking at Gregorian examples in the LilyPond documentation it
> seems that the first letter of the syllable is set beneath the first
> neume.  Is there a way to change this?  Is there  a way to make
> LilyPond do this by default?  Is this a job for Spontini?
> Thanks,
> David
> * [From Wikipedia, translated by Google Translate as the article is
> only in Icelandic]:
> The Þorlákstíðir are ancient liturgical prayers that were sung in
> Skálholt on the feast days of Saint Þorlákur until the Reformation.
> The texts are largely preserved, and they are in Latin. The musical
> score can also be read.

There was a discussion of this a long time ago - see the thread
at https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2010-02/msg00444.html

This would be a significant improvement to Lilypond's handling of
Gregorian chant notation.

If you can't get this technique to work with a modern Lilypond version,
there is always the option of setting the chant using Gregorio
( https://gregorio-project.github.io/ ) and combining the results with
something like LyLuatex ( https://github.com/jperon/lyluatex )

-- Graham.

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