On 2025-01-28 21:26, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
David's suggestion results in similar to your first suggestion - it
seems a bit too far to the left.  self-alignment-X = #RIGHT works
for 1 character, but not for lyrics - for lyrics (when the drummer
is the vocalist), I had to use your method.
`#RIGHT`, `#CENTER`, and `#LEFT` are the same as values +1, 0, and -1,
respectively.  Intermediate values are allowed, too, so you might try

   self-alignment-X = 0.8

or something similar.  The advantage of using `self-alignment-X` over
`extra-offset` is that the former is seen by LilyPond while doing the
spacing, and the latter is not.

Thanks for the tip, after experimenting, I had to use:

\override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-0.8

Otherwise, there is an 'error: syntax error, unexpected REAL'

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