Hi, I used tags for this and did the pdf and midi output seperately. Maybe this is what you want:
\version "2.24.4" taggedVoice = { \tag #'B { b4 b b b } \tag #'C { c' c' c' c' } \tag #'D { d'1 } \tag #'E { e'1 } \tag #'F { f'4 f' f' f' } \tag #'G { g'1 } } printVoice = { \repeat volta 2 { \keepWithTag #'B \taggedVoice \sectionLabel \markup { \segno } \keepWithTag #'C \taggedVoice \sectionLabel \markup { \coda } } \alternative { \keepWithTag #'D \taggedVoice \keepWithTag #'E \taggedVoice } \keepWithTag #'F \taggedVoice \textEndMark \markup {D.S. (con rep.) T.2 al \coda - \coda} \sectionLabel \markup { \coda } \keepWithTag #'G \taggedVoice } midiVoice = \unfoldRepeats { \repeat volta 2 { \keepWithTag #'B \taggedVoice \keepWithTag #'C \taggedVoice } \alternative { \keepWithTag #'D \taggedVoice \keepWithTag #'E \taggedVoice } \keepWithTag #'F \taggedVoice \keepWithTag #'C \taggedVoice \keepWithTag #'G \taggedVoice } { \printVoice \bar "||" \break \midiVoice } Am Sonntag, dem 26.01.2025 um 11:38 +0100 schrieb Thomas Morley: > Hi, > > please consider this small code: > { > \repeat volta 2 { > b4 b b b > \mark \default > c' c' c' c' > \mark \default > \alternative { d'1 e'1 } > } > f'4 f' f' f' > \mark \default > g'1 > } > If \unfoldRepeats is applied (for midi) it should be: > { > b4 b b b > c' c' c' c' > d'1 > b4 b b b > c' c' c' c' > e'1 > f'4 f' f' f' > c' c' c' c' > g'1 > } > > How to do with \repeat volta ..., \repeat segno ..., \jump ... or > else? > > Thanks, > Harm >