Hello David, > turnsh = { \once \set suggestAccidentals = ##t > \once \override AccidentalSuggestion.font-size = -3 > \once \override AccidentalSuggestion.script-priority = -1 > \once \override AccidentalSuggestion.avoid-slur = #'inside > \once \hideNotes } > > { f''8-.-> d'-> \after 4. { \turnsh gs\turn \noBeam } > a''2(-> \acciaccatura { c'''8 } bf''8.) a''16-. | > }
You are doing this in quite a hacky way in the first place (essentially this is using an engraver for an engraving practice that is used for really old music to inject an accidental to the score and then hope it would align well with the turn. In the first place you could use something like this for getting the Accidental: ``` turnsh = { \once \override TextScript.font-size = -3 \once \override TextScript.script-priority = -1 \once \override TextScript.avoid-slur = #'inside \once \override TextScript.self-alignment-X = #CENTER \once \override TextScript.parent-alignment-X = #CENTER <>^\markup\sharp } { f''8-.-> d'-> \after 4. { \turnsh <>-\turn \noBeam } a''2(-> \acciaccatura { c'''8 } bf''8.) a''16-. | } ``` But really what you should be doing instead is to add the accidental directly to the stencil of the turn, making Lilypond treat the whole thing as one thing: ``` mturn = #(define-music-function (upper-modifier lower-modifier) ((lambda (m) (or (markup? m) (not m))) (lambda (m) (or (markup? m) (not m)))) #{ \tweak stencil #(grob-transformer 'stencil (lambda (grob orig) (let ((upper (and upper-modifier (grob-interpret-markup grob upper- modifier))) (lower (and lower-modifier (grob-interpret-markup grob lower- modifier)))) (stack-stencils Y DOWN 0 (filter (lambda (x) x) (list upper orig lower)))))) \turn #}) turnsh = \mturn ##f \markup\center-align\fontsize#-3 \sharp { f''8-.-> d'-> \after 4. { s\turnsh } a''2(-> \acciaccatura { c'''8 } bf''8.) a''16-. | } ``` Cheers, Valentin
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