On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 9:16 AM John Burt <johndb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to engrave a piece in which the first and second tenors sing > together a passage senza mesura. Is it possible for a cadenza to be written > for two voices? How do I do this? > I'm not sure what problems you are encountering; a tiny example is always nice. So what about this? %%% \version "2.24.4" \new Staff << \new Voice \relative { \voiceOne c''4 c c c | \cadenzaOn c4 d e f e d \cadenzaOff \partial 1024 s1024 c4 c c c | } \new Voice \relative { \voiceFour e'4 e e e | \cadenzaOn e4 f g a g f \cadenzaOff \partial 1024 s1024 e4 e e e | } >> %%% The "\partial 1024 s1024" is just to create a bar line, as per the documentation. -- Knute Snortum