On 06/01/2025 23:27, Lucas Cavalcanti wrote:
Hello! I'm writing down the structure of the song "Stargazer" (by Rainbow) in lilypond and have encountered a situation due to the song's form of ABABCAE: A is the verse and refrain; B is a pivot or "a tiny bridge"; C is the interlude; and E is the coda/ending. I've managed to write down a functional file and proof-tested it by using the \unfoldRepeats snippet. However, I do not know a way to remove this volta bracket. Is there a way to hide the volta bracket?

You can remove volta brackets from the entire score by removing the Volta_engraver (i.e. the piece of LilyPond that prints the volta brackets. Add the following to your file:

\layout {
  \context { \Score \remove Volta_engraver }

You can also omit volta brackets individually, e.g.

\volta 2 { \once \omit Score.VoltaBracket e1 } % the E is an interlude/solo.

Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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