Walt North <waltno...@gmail.com> writes: > Thank you. I will try this. It was for maintenance reasons I was > avoiding the skip because I did not realize it could be used that > way. I thought it had to be a hard number and that would be a pain to > maintain. After reading your reply I looked at the documentation > again and found this: > > When the argument to|\skip|is music, the default duration of the > following note is implicitly set by the last note of the argument. > > I will give this a try.
It would be a very bad idea when this would be the case, but looking at the code it does not appear to be so. Instead when the argument to \skip is _spelled-out_ music, like with any spelled-out music the last written duration is the default for further entry. In short, this is not a feature of \skip but of the parser. There is some ambiguity in that since one might wonder what \skip 2. does since 2. can be _either_ a duration (not changing the default duration for following music) _or_ music (a repeat pitch with the given duration). The parser takes it as a duration. I seem to remember that the original implementation would have taken it as music, period, and I protested that non-backward-compatible behavior. -- David Kastrup