On Wed, Jan 01, 2025 at 09:28:28PM +0100, Thomas Morley wrote:
> The original code by Shevek:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2013-04/msg00615.html
> Did you try to run convert-ly from HEAD over the file containing
> `add-durations`?
> For me it works and I get:
> #(define (add-durations dur1 dur2)
>   (let* ((len1 (ly:duration->moment dur1))
>          (len2 (ly:duration->moment dur2))
>          (mult (ly:moment-div (ly:moment-add len1 len2) len1)))
>     (ly:make-duration (ly:duration-log dur1)
>                       (ly:duration-dot-count dur1)
>                       (* (ly:duration-scale dur1) (ly:moment-main mult)))))

I tried running convert-ly from HEAD, but it did not update the
references to ly:duration-length for some reason.  Updating it by hand
fixed the problem in that script.

However, the following error is still happening.  From what I can tell,
this is a separate problem from ly:duration-length; it has something to
do with midi generation but I can't seem to figure out what's triggering

Parsing...ice-9/eval.scm:159:9: Throw to key `numerical-overflow' with args 
`("divide" "Numerical overflow" #f #f)'.

Any hints as to where to start looking?  As I said, it's a rather large
score and it'd be helpful to know where to start narrowing down the


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