When no midi output is needed another workaround might be the use of the duration scaling function to offset one of the voices.
\version "2.24.4" global = { \key c \major \time 6/8 } %{ *3/2 added for first offset *1/2 added for timing correction afterwards %} rightOne = \relative c'' { \global \relative c'' { e16 f f16*3/2 dis16 dis!16*1/2 e16 } } rightTwo = \relative c'' { \global \relative c''{ d16 g, g d'! d! g, } } \score { \new Staff { << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >> } }  Best regards, Eric > Op 17 dec 2024, om 22:22 heeft Trevor Bača <trevorb...@gmail.com> het > volgende geschreven: > > > > On Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 6:08 PM Knute Snortum <ksnor...@gmail.com > <mailto:ksnor...@gmail.com>> wrote: >> On Sat, Dec 7, 2024 at 5:39 PM William Rehwinkel >> <will...@williamrehwinkel.net <mailto:will...@williamrehwinkel.net>> wrote: >>> Dear Knute, >>> >>> Here is the best that I could do...but I'm not sure that this is the >>> most correct solution or that it will look good in context... >> >> This solution looks the closest to what most of the editions I'm looking at >> do. None of them use the split-stem distributed notes. Thank you for >> working it out for me. > > > %%% BEGIN %%% > > \version "2.25.19" > \language "english" > > \new Staff > { > \time 6/8 > << > \new Voice > { > \voiceOne > e''16 > f''16 > f''16 > \tweak Accidental.X-extent #'(0 . 0) > ds''!16 > \tweak Accidental.X-extent #'(0 . 0) > ds''!16 > e''16 > } > \new Voice > { > \voiceTwo > d''16 > g'16 > g'16 > \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.9 > \tweak Accidental.X-extent #'(0 . 0) > \tweak Accidental.extra-offset #'(2.8 . 0) > d''!16 > \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 1.9 > \tweak Accidental.X-extent #'(0 . 0) > \tweak Accidental.extra-offset #'(2.8 . 0) > d''!16 > g'16 > } > >> > } > > %%% END %%% > > <knute-chopin.png> > > But it won't work if the music moves around, as is frequently the case with > extra-offset. > > -- > Trevor Bača > www.trevorbaca.com <http://www.trevorbaca.com/> > soundcloud.com/trevorbaca <http://soundcloud.com/trevorbaca>