> Setting `Accidental.extra-spacing-width` property with a pair of
> value works, but I am quite confused with what the first and second
> value really mean in this pair.

This property manipulates the horizontal interval spanned by the
accidental (as mainly given by the accidental glyph's horizontal
metrics); the first value in the pair adjust the left border, the
second value the right border of the interval.  Negative values move
the border to the left, positive values move it to the right.

> Also I would like to know, according to LilyPond's spacing logic is
> there really a way to precisely set the minimum space between
> accidentals and the previous note?

Under normal circumstances (i.e., not too tight typesetting),
`extra-spacing-width` does exactly that.

> The "minimum space between accidentals and previous note" logic
> makes more sense semantically, and could potentially save a lot of
> trouble adjusting a property multiple times in my engraving.

LilyPond doesn't work like this.  A 'minimum space' (see the
`space-alist` property) can only be set for 'breakable' items like
clefs or key signatures.

Manipulations the spacing is admittedly hard in LilyPond, and there
are bugs lurking around, as can be seen if you search our issue
tracker for the label 'Spacing'.


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