Mark Knoop <> writes:

> At 14:40 on 06 Dec 2024, Steph Phillips wrote:
>> Hi all, this one's probably a simple solution, but I'm a
>> little fuzzy on how to implement custom Scheme functions
>> still.
>> I'm working on a musical theater score, and there are lots
>> of instrument changes formatted like this:
>> changeBbClar = ^\markup {
>>     \general-align #X #-0.7
>>     \bold
>>     \override #'(box-padding . 0.5) \box
>>     "Bb Clarinet"
>> }
>> My end goal is a function where I can define the name of
>> the instrument and the x-alignment - something like
>> \InstrumentChange "Bb Clarinet" #-0.7
> This will do what you want.
> InstrumentChange =
> #(define-music-function
>   (mkp align) (markup? number?)
>   #{
>   <>^\markup
>   \general-align #X #align
>   \bold
>   \override #'(box-padding . 0.5)
>   \box #mkp
>   #})
> For more details about writing music functions, see this excellent
> guide put together by Jean:

It would make more sense to have the markup as last argument because it
makes stacking functions on markup a lot more readable.  And there may
be a point in making the number an optional argument and providing a
default.  So that would end up more like

InstrumentChange =
  (align mkp) ((number? LEFT) markup?)
  \general-align #X #align
  \override #'(box-padding . 0.5)
  \box #mkp

Of course the original example would not work until changing it to

\InstrumentChange #-0.7 "Bb Clarinet"

David Kastrup

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