Tim's Bitstream via LilyPond user discussion <lilypond-user@gnu.org>

> I am trying to get a G triad with added #11 in \chordmode.  G add #11
> would be fine on the lead sheet as would G (add #11).  So far Lilypond
> insists on making it a G7#11 and other variants on this.  I even
> somehow got a G7sus4 9 once.
> I am \include-ing roemer-chord.ly and have added 
> <c e g fis'>-\markup {"add" \chordSharp "11" }
> to no apparent avail.
> I've tried various ways of calling this from the input file but
> haven't figured out the right thing.  Currently I have g2:11+
> resulting in G7#11 on the lead sheet.  How do I get the dominant 7 to
> stop printing?  Seems like I am missing something basic here.

If you don't want it, don't include it.

One way would be

\chordmode {c:3.5.11+}

> FWIW I am using 2.19.83.  Updating Lily Pond to newer versions on the
> Mac invariably involves breaking things, so I haven't gotten around to
> doing it.

That sounds like something you should get fixed as it will cause an
increasing amount of problems communicating with other people about
things you try doing.

David Kastrup

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